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Let’s talk about:


As the weather gets warmer, kitten season will start. Our first litters start to show up in April and we expect to see more through September as long as it's warm. Below are some ways you can help kittens that might be born on or around base. In the event of finding a stray animal, please contact PWD desk at 245-555 first and if they do not reply to you, email PAWS or message us on Facebook. Do not attempt to catch any strays on your own.


Should you approach?

If you see a nest of kittens, do not approach. Most kittens do not survive away from their mother in the first 8 weeks of life. If you find kittens, wait up to 6 hours from a safe distance to see if the mother returns. If the mother does not return during this time, it starts to become an urgent situation. 

While you wait

Do not touch the kittens. Feral moms can be very sensitive to the human scents on their kittens and might be more likely to abandon if we touch them. 


While you keep track of the nest, please contact PWD using the information above. They will help PAWS get involved as soon as possible. If you want, you can also contact PAWS via email or Facebook to alert us of the nest but please prioritize reaching out to PWD. Make sure to collect information that PAWS will need such as: how long mom has been away, are they crying or sleeping and take pictures and videos if possible.


Despite our best efforts, raising kittens by hand is very difficult. Regardless of how well equipped a foster may be, some kittens may pass away from lack of mother's milk and nutrients. If you rescue kittens, you can reach out to PAWS as the best route to ensuring their health during the critical neonatal phase. We have knowledge, resources, ability to cover medical costs and can provide the best socialization to ensure they grow up to be well adjusted cats. We also are committed to an adoption process that finds a FOREVER home.


We are always on the watch for Fading Kitten Syndrome, a set of symptoms that can cause a neonatal kitten to fail to thrive. Their health can quickly decline and may lead to death without immediate intervention. 


Please go directly to the vet if your kitten is experiencing any of the following symptoms: open-mouth breathing, pale gums, extreme lethargy, odd vocalizations, decreased appetite, weight loss, dehydration, hypothermia, or hyperthermia. If caught and treated early enough then the kitten may survive.

Alexa Young, CA

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